23 October 2016

A Twitchy Eyelid

Sorry it's been a while since my last post, but up until about a week ago my life could be summarised by this post's title. Too many long hours spent reading in the library and/or staring at a computer screen, the stress of coursework ramping up, and lack of sleep due to a mild cold--it all added up and manifested itself as a twitch in my left eyelid every minute or so for over two weeks. It's gone now *knock on wood*.

Even though my last post was over a month ago, there really isn't much  for me to talk about. But I'll give you the highlights: Just a few days after my last post, all those weeks ago, I went to the Edinburgh Zoo. It's a fantastic zoo! I got to meet the highest ranking penguin in the Norwegian military, and came face-to-face with a Sumatran tiger.

Brigadier Sir Nils Olav, mascot and
Colonel-in-Chief of the Norwegian King's Guard
Sumatran Tiger at the Edinburgh Zoo

Victorious! Taken from the top
of Arthur's Seat at 22:51
My only other adventure has been making butternut squash soup with a group of friends and going on a night-hike up Arthur's seat. The soup was delicious and warm and the hike was eerily beautiful and very cold.

The only other excitement in my life is going to pub quiz with friends and obsessing over one of our professors. Other than that, it's pretty much just been the daily grind of lectures, tutorials, coursework, eat, sleep, repeat. Overall my modules (classes) are going very well and I'd say they are a good mix of challenging, interesting, and useful. But there have been times, especially in the last couple weeks, when I feel as if I'm about to drown in the amount of work I have to do. But I just take one day at a time, work hard, and give myself plenty of breaks to enjoy this amazing city I'm in. I wouldn't want my next post to be titled "Revenge of the Twitchy Eyelid."

Sunrise from my window
That's all for now. I hope it won't be quite so long between this and my next post, but with what I'm calling "Hell Week" (three major projects due in three consecutive days) only a month away, it's very probable the next post won't happen until after that. So perhaps my usual sign-off is a bit silly, but I'm going to do it anyway...

Stay informed. -NLD

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